Bendigo Offering the Perfect Restaurants of Indian Dishes

India is a country with a mysterious and exotic culture for most Europeans. The legacy of the “mother of all civilizations” is the richest, but we are primarily interested in the field of cooking. Indians attach special importance to food, it is consecrated by tradition and is still significant in the social system of the country. For Indians, food is more than just a process of absorbing calories. The cuisine of India is as diverse as its culture, geography and climate. However, despite the existence of 3.5 thousand castes with their rules governing food, only two religions, Hinduism and Islam, influenced the culinary preferences of Indians.

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Indian cuisine is an integral and important part of Indian culture. The variety of Indian cuisine is indescribable, as well as its colors and flavors. There are fiery-spicy dishes and very soft. Due to their diversity, Indian cuisine is attracting the attention of people everywhere. A wide range of spices, amazing imagination the excess of ingredients of Indian cuisine will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated gourmets. It’s not strange that Indian cuisine came in third in the world in popularity, and it’s not surprising if one day it becomes the first.

In addition, during the centuries numerous settlers made their adjustments to traditional Indian cuisine. The Portuguese, for example, brought pepper, which is very well established in the whole of India, the French gave recipes souffle and baguette. They also brought with them tandoor – a large standing oven, in which they cook bread and meat. In the depths of Tandoor a fire is made; The fuel used is wood or coal. When the fire inflames, the lid is closed to make tandoor hot. When it comes to the Best indian restaurant in bendigo then the option is at its best.

Indian cuisine is one of the most remarkable in the world. By the variety and the number of different traditions that she absorbed, it can only be compared with French and Chinese. Here, tourists have the opportunity to taste delicious varied dishes, ranging from simple vegetarian ones to complex meat and fish dishes, with several dozen ingredients. Indian housewives, preparing food, use more than 30 types of spices. Due to their various combinations, the dishes acquire a subtle spicy taste, arising from the variety of aromas.

India is the birthplace of vegetarianism, due in part to climatic conditions, but to a large extent – religious prescriptions. In most of India, a hot climate, meat is quickly spoiled, but in some parts of the country, three to four vegetables are harvested per year. However, meat is not used mainly for religious reasons. It is interesting that even members of the same family can eat separately, following their religion. Muslims inhabiting predominantly northern states do not eat pork, and Hindus supporters are beef. Most Indians generally do not eat meat, except for mostly Muslims. Muslim traditions allow the use of mutton, goat and poultry.

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